Saturday, May 4, 2013

Looking Toward Sunday


Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 5, 2013

This week's reading is an excerpt from Jesus' "farewell discourse" - his final teachings and instructions to the disciples at the Last Supper. (You can read the passage here.) The discourse covers several chapters in the Gospel of John, but this small section includes Jesus' promise that his followers will not be left alone when he leaves them.  (Remember that this meal takes place the night before Jesus' crucifixion.) The Spirit will remain with them in Jesus' absence to give them peace and to continue the work that Jesus began in them.

We'll be focusing on the opening verse - Jesus' words, “Those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.” What does it mean for Jesus to make a home with us? How do we receive such a houseguest? And what would happen if that houseguest were to take up permanent residence with us? Join us as we reflect on those questions, and on our readiness to invite Jesus in to "make his home with us".

See you on Sunday!

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