December 23, 2012 - Fourth Sunday of Advent
"I Believe Even When..." Worship Series
"I Believe, Even When..."
This Sunday marks the last of our Advent worship series, which was inspired by Marcia McFee’s “Worship Design Studio” and by the words of a beautiful anthem by Mark Miller. (You can listen to it here.) Each week we've looked at a different gospel's version of the story of Jesus' birth through the lens of Miller's anthem. This week we're using the opening verses of John's gospel.
John describes Jesus as the "light that shines in the darkness", which the darkness can't overcome. As Christmas approaches, that light is becoming brighter. (If you're observant, you've probably noticed that the light in the sanctuary has been increasing as we've moved through the season of Advent - symbolizing the approaching arrival of the Light of the World.) In this last week of Advent, our anticipation, our yearning for the light is almost palpable. We affirm that even when the sun is hidden from sight - even when love feels remote - even when we’re not certain of God’s presence, we sense that the light is coming, love is near, and the holy is born yet again in the midst of the pain of life. There is hope. There is light.
Join us as we celebrate the good news that - in the words of the gospel writer - "What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it."
See you on Sunday!
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