December 16, 2012 - Third Sunday of Advent
"I Believe Even When..." Worship Series
"I Believe in God"
We continue our Advent worship series, inspired by Marcia McFee’s “Worship Design Studio” and by the words of a beautiful anthem by Mark Miller. (You can listen to it here.) This Sunday we'll be using the third verse of Miller's anthem ("I believe in God, even when God is silent") to look at the story of John the Baptizer in the Gospel of Mark.
Like the Jews in the Baptizer's day, we often look around at the world as it is and wonder when God will come and address the injustice and suffering. When will God fulfill the promise of lions laying down with lambs and swords being beaten into plowshares? Where is God when senseless and violent tragedy occurs - like the school shooting in Newtown, CT? Where is God when we are in pain?
There are moments or seasons in our lives, individually and collectively, when God seems to be remote,
removed, inaccessible – Deus Absconditus. Where do we find the hope to believe in God, even when God is silent? Join us as we explore the answer to that question.
See you on Sunday.
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