"Called to Relationship"
Third Sunday after Epiphany
January 26, 2014
This week we'll look at the story of the call of the first disciples as told in the Gospel of Matthew. (You can read it here) Jesus says two key things in his invitation to Peter, Andrew, James, and John that represent the core of Christian discipleship: "Follow me" and "I will make you fishers of people". While these four men will eventually become "laborers in the vineyard", "witnesses to the Christ", "apostles of the Messiah", "leaders of the church", etc., Jesus is first calling the men not into work, but into relationship. They'll be mentored by Jesus ("following") and they'll welcome others into community ("fishing").
As with those first disciples, the invitation to discipleship represents a call to relationship - relationship with Jesus and relationship with others. That's the essence of our vocation as Christians. Anything else we may do or become as Jesus-followers is rooted in those relationships.
Join us as we reflect on the proposition that nurturing relationships is our primary call as Christian disciples.
See you on Sunday!
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