November 24 2012 - Christ the King Sunday
"Hanging of the Greens"
This is the last Sunday of the Christian year (which in the Church starts with the first Sunday of Advent, not on January 1). This year Sunday, December 2 marks the beginning of the season of Advent - a hopeful season of preparation that anticipates both Jesus' birth in Bethlehem and the consummation of human history for which "all creation is groaning awaiting its redemption".
The word "Advent" comes from the Latin verb advenire, which means "to come toward, to draw near, to approach." This is the time when we remember and celebrate God drawing near to us in Jesus Christ in the past, in the present, and in the age to come.
This Sunday we will prepare our sanctuary - as well as our hearts - for the season of Advent by celebrating the tradition of the "Hanging of the Greens". This interactive worship service includes hymns, scripture, and prayer to guide us as we hang greenery and other decorations symbolizing the birth of Jesus and everlasting life.
Join us for this festive reminder of "the reason for the season"!
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