May 6, 2012 - Fifth Sunday of Easter
"Table Talk"
This Sunday's sermon is the second in a 4-week series about "Holy Conversations". Holy conversations are those opportunities we have for telling our stories, sharing our faith journeys, and swapping "God talk" in a casual, friendly, conversational way.
Our scripture reading for the day will be Acts 22:6-16 (click here to read the passage). As he has done before, the apostle Paul tells the powerful story of his conversion experience. Even now, in the face of danger among those who oppose him, Paul is compelled to share his experience of Jesus - not his carefully constructed theology, but his own, deeply personal experience of the risen Christ.
That's the starting point for our "holy conversations" - the sharing of our own personal stories. Not theological treatises or intellectual arguments or biblical proofs or the "plan of salvation". What people want to hear - the faith talk that they find most compelling - are our own personal stories of how God is real and active in our lives.
We all have stories to tell. And while few of them are as dramatic as Paul's conversion experience, they have just as much impact (arguably more so) on our conversation partners. Have you thought about your own faith narrative? What are the experiences, the occurrences, the "God moments" that you would share? What are the stories someone is just waiting for you to tell?
See you on Sunday!
(PS - Don't forget - you can drop into the "Holy Conversation" study in the parlor on Wednesdays at 6 PM or on Sundays at 9:15 AM. You can also join us for the sermon talk-back during fellowship time after the 10:30 worship service.)
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